Beagle empowers Everyone.


Leading marketing function is as tricky as it gets - from developing great campaigns to synthesizing analytics for effective decision-making, it’s a lot to handle. Beagle saves you a lot of time and energy by sharing insights within a click.

Frontline Professionals

With instant data updates, dive deep into customer preferences, create personalized experiences at every touchpoint and enhance meaningful interactions.


Empower decision-making within your team. With Beagle, your teammates can get instant answers to every query, all by themselves. As data analysis gets easy and less time-consuming, core marketing activities get more focus.

Marketing Team got more Insightful with Beagle

Get all insights within MS Teams

It’s literally all under one roof! One can chat with Beagle to access all reports and insights within MS Teams, making campaign tracking as easy as one dreams it to be.

Get all insights within MS Teams

It’s literally all under one roof! One can chat with Beagle to access all reports and insights within MS Teams, making campaign tracking as easy as one dreams it to be.

Conduct Deep Dive Analysis

Double click on built-in filters to further analyze a data point. Strengthen your understanding of insights, and make more informed decisions.

Pull Customized Reports on your own

One can dig deep into their data using various filters, create customized reports and pull byte size insights. Beagle lets you eliminate dependencies on others when it comes to access and analyze data.

Pull Customized Reports on your own

One can dig deep into their data using various filters, create customized reports and pull byte size insights. Beagle lets you eliminate dependencies on others when it comes to access and analyze data.

Discuss Data with your team

Use Narrative Boards functionality to create a team and start discussing data with relevant team members on Beagle.

Delivering personalized insights each time.