Use Case

Recruitment Automation

Data analytics plays an increasingly important role in sales, and the need keeps growing.

Data helps a Sales Professional recognize and understand their customer’s behavior and provides an in-depth look into the customer journey.

With Beagle, sales professionals are able to –

Create meaningful interactions with customers
Maximize on sales opportunities, and
Leverage insights-on-the-move to meet targets

Let’s see how Beagle impacted Sales in an FMCG company.


Shawn, VP of Sales at a leading FMCG company, was bugged with the recent loss in business opportunities due to miscommunication on data. He was really looking forward to closing that sale. It was a big client.

Though they had access to a huge repository of customer data, the struggle was to make the best catch of insights out of the vast data lakes. His team members were always on the lookout for the right data and insights. The whole process was exhausting and often left his team members annoyed and disengaged.


Shawn was searching for an analytics solution that could streamline access to data. After a lot of research and analysis, he implemented Beagle to get instant insights within their meeting platform – MS Teams.


Access to actionable data anytime and anywhere – even during meetings or customer interactions

Ability to dig deeper into the data and pull bite-size insights

Scheduled tracking

After Beagle was implemented, Shawn’s team could focus better on sales strategy and spend more time on building sales stories than on finding data.