What’s New In Beagle

“Imagination has a great deal to do with winning.” 


Our very own Asmita Mishra, a Beagle team member, started our latest podcast by quoting Mike Krzyzewski. In this episode , Asmita talks about all the cool updates Beagle has got since the last time we connected!

The biggest news she shares is Beagle has now won the Microsoft Global App Development Challenge twice! Beagle beat 557 teams across 100+ countries. We have proven that Beagle is so much more than just an app. It supports and caters to your needs, while seamlessly integrating with your Power BI dashboards.


Beagle aims to redefine the way you interact with data without any communication barriers to maximize Power BI ROI. You get access to all your reports in one place. It simplifies complex data in a simple and effective language. 

Asmita shares the four ways in which Beagle can make your life easier.

  • Easy to access: Beagle integrates your data into one place and makes it easy for you to access it from anywhere.

  • Free-flowing NLP: Beagle uses NLP to make conversations simpler and effective.

  • Collaboration: Beagle allows collaboration in PowerBI and seamlessly integrates into your existing BI tools. 

  • Beagle doesn’t forget: It’s natural for us to forget data, but worry not, for Beagle studies your user patterns to provide you with personalized nudges.

Beagle can help you increase the adoption of your Power BI reports by 5 times! So, why not get the most out of your investment?