No Languishing Problems with Beagle

Mothers are the world’s most understanding folks – they have all the insights you need. 

But have you ever talked to your mom like this?

cout<<”Hey Mom”;
If (Dinner == Curry Rice)
   cout<<”Won’t Eat”;  
   cout<<”Love it”;



Think of a scenario like this. 

“Hey Power BI, what’s up?”

Power BI: “Nothing much, dear. I was getting your daily analysis ready. “

“Show me”

This conversation seems a little too utopian. It is as if your PowerBI has become your Alexa. Ain’t it? But is it possible?

What’s the Problem?

Everyone wants to talk with data as easily as they talk with their friends or parents, but it is hardly ever possible. The traditional way of accessing data through most BI systems is a long drawn-out process that requires a considerable amount of technical acumen. 


No wonder it leads to low user adoption of BI. According to a Forbes report, the actual enterprise-level adoption of BI tools remains at a dismal 35%. A research paper by the University of Skovde backed this claim when they mentioned that functional proficiency – the technical ability of users to use BI tools to gain insights – is a major drag.

This in turn leads to another problem. 


Organizations are either compelled to hire highly trained data scientists and data analysts or are forced to train existing users. A report by Aberdeen Group stated that companies spend an approximated 22-31% of the total budget to train users for their newly deployed BI infrastructure. And the time taken to train these users adds to significant delays in project execution, wherein a typical laggard company may take up to 179 days for the same (in comparison to an industry average of 14 days). 


This is a problem that bugs everyone. Even Power BI users. No doubt, Power BI is an industry leader and a very powerful platform to work on. But more the power, more the challenges. Power BI users often say that given the wide array of functions and tools available in it, it is also a bit complicated to use, apart from being confusing at times. 


The Solution 

How does one solve this problem?

Through Natural Language Processing. 

Let us explain. 


Humans find it easiest to speak in a common language. Language has context and meaning that makes it easier for everyone to communicate. Natural language is the only paradigm that overcomes the information-complexity trade-off. That’s why search engines came to dominate the internet.

It’s the same for the future of BI. 


What if you can ask your Power BI dashboard for the most important insight that it has to give you? 

“What was my revenue share in 2020?”


What if you could simply ask for your Power BI reports? 

“Where is my Q3 Financial Survey?” 


No technical query-making, no syntax. Just normal English. 

With a simple Beagle integration on top of your existing Power BI infrastructure, you can truly democratize your users. No additional training, no wastage of time, no additional spending, no complicated jargon, and increased adoption. 

With Beagle AI chatbot, NLP becomes No Languishing Problems. 


Read more about the Deadly Duo of Power BI + Beagle