This is how work-from-home or remote work conversations would go a few years ago –

Jamie – “Hi Sara, I am calling to ask if you can ask Mark on the desk opposite you, if he can share last month’s sales data with me asap. He has left his phone at home and I have to make a report.”
Sara – “Sure, will do as soon as he gets back at his desk.” The pandemic outbreak prompted, and for many of them coerced, many leaders to accept the shift to remote work set-ups. But as is clear on so many fronts, the ‘work from remote location’ model is mainstream now and is here to say. A recent study suggests that by 2025, an estimated 70% of the workforce will be working remotely at least five days a month. Gartner CFO Survey Reveals 74% Intend to Shift Some Employees to Remote Work Permanently.

Ten years ago, the shift would have been a nightmare, but thanks to evolution of technology, and its pace, the transition has been swifter than anticipated for many organizations – organizations that are technologically accepting and adapting.


Business Intelligence has played a huge role in this transition and continues to do so. “Covid has only accelerated the digital transformation, and automation is the cornerstone of digital transformation services”—Daniel Dines, co-founder and CEO, UiPath, Robotic Process Automation (RPA).


Business intelligence, put simply, leverages technology to empower organizations with actionable insights that lead to data driven decision making. At the end of the day, the objective is to achieve data democratization. Data is the protagonist that B.I helps succeed.


Let’s check 5 ways business intelligence is shaping and evolving remote work culture in modern workplaces –


  1. Real-time team collaboration
    Real-time collaboration earlier would have meant face to face interactions, at the best. But we are in a different era today altogether. We are a geographically and socially dispersed workforce, today more than ever beforeThat puts forth serious challenges as to how to ensure collaboration in times of isolation. Many software companies have facilitated businesses with workplace collaboration tools, where they can meet, interact, collaborate and act on information. MS Teams is leading that industry with millions of subscriber base.
    But what’s lacking in those tools is access to relevant data. People would toggle among apps to find data during meetings or field visits or even when working from home.
    B.I technologies are redefining the teams collaborate with each other and with data and reports. Beagle is one such B.I platform.
    In the example above, Jamie didn’t need to depend on Sara or Mark for that matter. With Beagle, he could just talk to Beagle with MS Teams, get the data with insights in lucid formats. No dependency, easy collaboration.
    There are many B.I technologies out there to engage with, decision makers need to be conscious of future goals, present challenges and plans. It’s a powerplay of strategies and software that businesses have to capitalise on to make sure they do not compromise success for lack of automation.
  2. Restoring trust and empathy
    This one is one of the most crucial elements of remote working culture. This is where data democratization plays a huge part. When you live in data vacuum, it’s quite impossible to develop trust towards others.
    When someone doesn’t respond in time, our first thoughts drift towards them being unprofessional. The inhibitions and perceptions make it difficult to reflect genuine empathy. In the stressful times led by the pandemic, leaders need to enable trust for people to hold on to.

    B.I technologies are bridging that gap by democratizing data and information, leading to a collaboration conducing environment defined by trust and empathy.
    “The collaboration needs to happen and be stored where the data and insights lie to ensure trust, context and organisational visibility.” Tony Prysten

  3. New joinee acculturation
    One of the biggest challenges for organizations is engaging new joinees and sensitizing them on company culture. As the times have changed, many new employees are being onboarded and inducted remotely. How do the leaders ensure that the new joinees understand, consume, and reflect the accepted behaviours at work? It requires a robust on-going system.

    B.I technologies provide that system. With embedded analytics, access to real-time reports, and access to real-time collaboration, they make it easy for teams to focus on culture sensitivity than being stuck in operational hassles.

  4. Driving innovation outside-in
    Data dominates our deeds, debates, and dreams. – Forbes

    There is no debate over the fact that data drives new initiatives leading to innovation. How do you drive innovation outside-in – innovation that is dependant on what your customers think and value? A thoughtful innovation in this space, requires teams and functions to collaborate on data and insights in real-time. The flow of data must be fluid amongst all functions- product, sales, marketing, customer success team, pricing, IT, HR and the rest. In one word, that is – data democratization.

    B.I platforms are building new ways to eliminate functional silos and encourage effective change to drive innovation. For example – Beagle, our chat-enabled B.I tool, lives within MS Teams, providing unified data view – making sure data flow is consistent to all parties.

  5. Empowering HR and L&D
    Emma is furious because Joe didn’t tell her the position was closed. She has interviewed 3 people since morning, only to find out that someone was hired a day ago. Wasted almost half a day.

    From application status tracking to employee training management, it’s all a big hassle anyway. Working remotely just adds to the chaos. Organizations have been struggling to streamline HR operations since forever.

    Modern B.I platforms give them new ways to engage with each other, by providing access to latest reports, easily digestible and actionable dashboards and insights. They help HR teams with unified performance and engagement reports and much more.

    Let’s say Emma had Beagle in her organization. The delay in getting relevant information would have been avoided. Emma would have just asked Beagle for real-time open position status and known the next steps.


Data democratization, the essence of B.I technologies, provides opportunities to connect with information for collective success.


Business intelligence and analytic tools are time-efficient as they can manage, store, analyse and collect huge amounts of data as well as help in your decision-making by providing specific insights in a short span of time.


The modern workforce, defined by multi-generations, working remotely, is data reliant and data driven. They need robust communication channels and that includes channels that help them communicate with data.


The simplified customization of B.I tools caters to differing communication preferences and increases the productivity level of employees while working from home.