Beagle for HR Functions

Beagle for HR Functions

Get instant access to recruitment reports, shorten the decision-making cycles and meet performance targets.

How a Conversational BI Tool Can Automate Recruitment Reports for Recruiters and Enhance Process Efficiency?


You must agree, HR is the easiest job in the corporate world? You must be good at art work? Your days at work must be so relaxed? Gosh! Sounds vexatious. Every HR has heard these lines in their professional career at least once.

But the truth is that the job of HR is one of the toughest jobs because one is required to keep a record of various internal and external functions. And then comes HR head.

The struggle is real – from coordinating with different stakeholders for recruitment to meeting the targets– there is so much an HR head goes through which, ultimately, results in long decision-making cycles.

Let us understand it with a user story.

Subject: Christie, HR head of a leading FMCG company, wanted to automate the whole recruitment process so that her team had ample time to focus on their core work – “hiring new employees”.

Christi leads a team of 4 recruiters which hires almost 40 employees every quarter. This isn’t a small number. It requires her team to be quite efficient during the entire recruitment cycle.

However, there was a problem. Her team was also bogged down with a set of reports frequently asked by Hiring Managers. These reporting needs ate up a lot of bandwidth of her team and she feared it might affect her deliverables. She was also concerned about her team’s motivation levels which might drop down if they spent a lot of time on secondary work.

Christie wanted to automate the entire recruitment process and, the creation of reports so that her team could perform efficiently and focus on their core work – “hiring new employees”.

Christie was aware of certain BI tools and used some of them but found them cumbersome. So, she wanted a BI tool that is easy to operate and

  • Her team could start using it with minimal training
  • Integrates into various data sources – candidate sourcing, interviews, offer roll-out, onboarding etc.
  • Enables easy sharing of reports with Hiring Managers to ensure updates in real-time

Hence, Christie started using Beagle and could see the results within one month of implementation. It helped her shorten the decision-making cycles, saved a lot of time, enhanced her team’s productivity and increased process efficiency.

1    It’s Easy: No Training Required to Use the New Tool

As Beagle works within Microsoft Teams, her team did not have to undergo training to use a new tool. They started using Beagle as and when it was implemented.

2  Share Reports with Hiring Managers in Real-Time

Instant insights in the form of simple and effective visual cards helped Christie to shorten the decision-making cycles. As Beagle can be accessed by anyone, anytime and anywhere, her team no longer needs to keep collating and reviewing the information from excel. The numbers are a click away and also, there are multiple deep dive angles to filter the search.

  1. No More Juggling Between the Reports

The ability to share insights with colleagues within Microsoft Teams enhanced the team’s productivity and efficiency. There is no more juggling between reports. Also, Christie (or anyone else in the team) can create narrative boards in Beagle so that all the team members can comment on their updates – making communication better and fast.

For example: If a card named “Interviews this week” shows less than the expected number, Christie can create a narrative board and share the card with the team to expedite the ongoing work. There is no need to contact every associate individually.

  1. Set Reminders for Recruitment Updates

Beagle’s personalized nudges which let one set reminders for important data updates, help Christie and the team to stay on top of the recruitment funnel.

Recruitment on the surface might seem to be a simple activity, but when you dig a little deeper, that is where the problem lies. For instance, if a department head wants to know the status update on his job posting, he would reach out to the HR head who would further ask her team to collate the information.

Different HRs work on different openings, so now each of the team members would separately maintain the required data that is to be shared with each stakeholder separately. And then obviously the meeting to discuss the same.

To develop such an update, each of the team members spends 5 – 6 hours every week.

This is where Beagle makes a difference. Using Beagle for HR functions can help in shortening the decision-making cycles and enhancing the team’s productivity.

Use Beagle and make your work life easier.

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