Microsoft Champions for the 2nd Time – The Beagle Story

Microsoft Challenge | Beagle

Microsoft Teams recognizes Decision Point’s Beagle as a Global Winner in the MS Teams App Development Challenge for the 2nd time in a row. 

Yes. That’s right. Our flagship AI product Beagle takes home the award for the second year in a row, competing against 557 entries from 100+ countries. 

But that’s nothing new for a product that has been shaped from an in-depth understanding of critical post-pandemic business challenges. We were bound to create a legacy. 

In this new data-dependent age, companies around the world are building more and more dashboards through Power BI which routinely provides data for every use case. 

Power BI connects to, models, and visualizes data, allowing for memorable reports with brand KPIs, and personal data. However, non-certified users have difficulty understanding the platform and the information presented due to its complexity. 

But is there a solution to it? Yes.

Beagle – A Microsoft Teams Plugin that is designed to help you increase the adoption of your existing Power BI reports. 

It allows you to connect your Power BI reports in one place and nudges you with relevant insights based on your and your peers’ usage patterns. As a result, many businesses have been able to improve the output of their dashboards, increase end-user engagement, and increase Power BI adoption rates. Beagle sends personalized nudges based on factors like how often data is consumed, which insights are preferred, and the trend of data across the company.

Here’s what a Fortune 500 beverage company has to say about Beagle:

Customer Speak | Beagle

Isn’t that amazing? 

Learn more about Beagle Nudges, how they function, and what results in our clients have seen here.

Our vision to provide a futuristic solution for data analytics adoption was recognized and rewarded by Microsoft and we couldn’t be happier!